Sustaining an injury from work comes with lots of stress. Being out of the job and dealing with medical bills is hard enough. However, you have the option to not pay for your medical bills if you follow these essential tips regarding obtaining worker’s compensation.
The first thing you need to do after you get the emergency medical treatment is to notify your employer of your work injury. If your company has a formal accident reporting procedure make sure to follow it and fill out the accident report. Ask your employer for a copy of the report.
To bring a Illinois workers compensation case you need to give your employer notice of your work injury with in 45 days of the work injury. You should report the work injury to your supervisor and not just your co employees. The law does not require that you to notify your employer about your work injury in writing. If you let your boss know about your work injury write down the date and time you gave your boss or supervisor notice of your injury. Make sure you write down the name of the person you gave notice of your work injury to.
If you give notice to your employer right after your work injury, making a workers compensation claim will be much easier to prove. The workers compensation insurance company will do everything it can to avoid paying your work comp case. Failing to give notice to your employer with in 45 days is a gift to the workers compensation insurance company.
The work comp insurance company will try to use schemes to prevent you from getting the money you deserve after your work injury. Don’t let them get away with that, hire an experienced McHenry county workers compensation attorney, such as Franks & Rechenberg, P.C.
To learn more about how we can represent you, click here.