Long-Term Effects Of A Criminal Conviction

Criminal, Lawyer in McHenry County

The consequences of a criminal conviction can be more daunting than the sentence itself. Most Defendants are not sentenced to jail.  Many are not aware of the adverse consequences of being convicted of a crime.  Before you proceed to sign the sentencing order and accept a negotiated plea, which includes a conviction, take time to consider what you want to do with your life, and the consequence of your plea.
Another factor to consider is how you will pay your fine and Court costs.  Failing to do so might result in you again appearing before the judge, and the judge re-sentencing you to a much harsher sentence.  When it comes to paying for your fine and Court costs, it is paramount you consider different alternatives to obtaining money.  The earlier you make a plan, the better your chances.

  1. Affect on Your Status in the U.S.

If you are not a U.S. citizen, advise your criminal defense attorney of the status of your presence in the U.S.; i.e.: work visa, student visa, etc.  In many cases, a conviction for a criminal offense can lead to deportation, denial of citizenship, and denial of re-entry into the US.  In that light, what further consequences are there for a criminal conviction?

  1. Career Options

Since the job market is highly competitive, employers are often strict about who they employ.  Having a criminal conviction in your record can be an enormous red flag that would turn your potential employer off.  Some criminal convictions will prevent you from some well-paying jobs.  For instance, a school district would never hire someone with a sex offender conviction; a retail store would never hire someone with a theft conviction. To a potential employer, a criminal conviction is an indication of your personality, trustworthiness, and honesty.

  1. Loans

With a criminal conviction, getting a loan from the bank for whatever purpose could be difficult.  Some lenders have made it a duty to deny credit to people with a criminal conviction, such as forgery, burglary or felony theft.

  1. Voting

If you are convicted of a felony offense, you might lose your right to vote.  You could even be precluded from serving on a jury, or even holding public office.

  1. Custody

If you find yourself in a custody battle, a criminal conviction may place you at a disadvantage.  Since the judge will consider the best interests of the children, your criminal conviction could make it difficult to be awarded custody, and may even result in limited, or supervised, contact with your children.

  1. Landlords

Most landlords often conduct a background check on all of their prospective occupants. With a criminal conviction, you might find yourself with limited options when it comes to housing.  If you are convicted of a sexual offense, you could be denied housing.
Wrapping Up!
The consequences of a criminal conviction are much more than just the fines and court costs, and jail time.  The long-term consequences of a conviction for a criminal offense are far-reaching, and thus, you must strive to avoid a conviction for a criminal offense.
For more information or to receive help in your case, contact Franks & Rechenberg, P.C. today.