Things You Should Know After Your First DUI

Criminal, DUI, Lake In The Hills DUI

When arrested for driving under the influence, you will surely have tons of questions on your mind. You will be wondering if you should tell your parents about it, or perhaps your school.  Will you lose your driver’s license?  Although every case is different, they all, more or less, follow a unique pattern.  Here are a few things you need to know about your first DUI.

  1. Losing Your License

After your arrest, you should expect a notice from the Secretary of State about your license suspension.  Your driver’s license will be subject to a statutory summary suspension 46 days after your arrest.  If this is your first driving under the influence charge, this suspension could last for 180 days, or even more, depending on whether or not you submitted to chemical testing.  In most cases, you will be eligible to install a breath-alcohol ignition interlock device (BAIID) in your car, which allows you to drive 24/7.

  1. Fined By The Court

The fine will vary.  You may pay a fine as low as $500.00 plus Court Costs, or as much as $2,500.00 plus Court costs.  Since this is your first DUI, you can expect fines in the $750.00 to $1,500.00 range, plus Court costs.

  1. You May Appear In Court

When arrested for DUI, you are required to appear in Court.  On the first Court date, the Court will arraign you.  In other words, the Court will advise you of the charges pending against you, as well as the possible sentences and consequences associated with your charges.  With a competent DUI lawyer, you will be able to fight your DUI since pleading guilty isn’t always a good idea.

  1. Your Auto Insurance Premium Will Increase

Your auto insurance would probably increase.  In other words, your rates would skyrocket compared to other individuals, especially for younger drivers.  Thousands of people get arrested every year, and most don’t know about this consequence.  With your first DUI, you should expect this.

  1. Your Parents, School Or Employer Would Likely Find Out About Your DUI

The issue is not simply the effect of a DUI arrest on you, but also sharing this information with others.  If you’re financially dependent on your parents, you might have to come clean about your DUI arrest.  Your school or employer is likely to find out about your arrest for a DUI.  They could decide to take action that might not favor you.
Wrapping Up!
The best thing to do, to avoid getting arrested for DUI, is to avoid getting behind the wheel after you have consumed alcohol.   Don’t even take a nap in your car!  If perhaps you are already on the web reading this, then get a competent DUI lawyer immediately!
For more information or to receive help in your case, contact Franks & Rechenberg, P.C. today.