Custody Agreements – Knowing What To Include

Family Law

A custody agreement is inarguably one of the most common routes for people going through a divorce. Many want to know what a basic custody agreement entails, and things they have to include.

If you’re asking the same question about what to include in your custody agreement, this article will guide you in that regard.

Without further ado, let’s begin!

  1. School Concerns

When drafting your custody agreement, both parties need to decide which school district the child will attend. Even if one of the parents takes physical custody of the child, the other parent has a say on the child’s welfare. Even if the child is already attending a school, there is no harm, including such in your custody agreement.

  1. Exchanges

In your agreement, write in clarity where and when child exchange will occur. If you’re to handle the child exchange during school drop-offs, you also need to consider a better alternative when school is not in session. However, if the child is not going to school yet, you need to be specific on the exchange mode.

Also, how long will the other parent have to wait? Can a third-party pick up the child? These and many more are things you need to include in your custody agreement. In some cases, the clothes or the child’s belongings might need to be exchanged unless the child decides otherwise.

  1. Child Visitation Schedule

When preparing your custody agreement, make sure that child visitation is included in your agreement. It often comprises of regular visitation, holiday visitation, and even a vacation schedule. Both you and your spouse need to agree on how to share the child’s time. Outline these requirements clearly, to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding.  Through software or an app, you will know what to expect and the ideal time for visitation.

  1. Dispute Resolution

The last thing you need is to keep fighting with your ex over your child for years to come. To go around this, you will need to include a method for resolving issues in the future. Most parents often consult with a counselor, a trusted family member, or perhaps a mediator.

However, your plan to resolve any resolution is totally up to you. It will help if this aspect is not neglected, as the last thing you need is returning to court to resolve another conflict.

  1. Medical Decisions

Another thing you need to include in your custody agreement is the child’s primary health needs. In your agreement, you need to determine the current medical care provider and health insurance. You can also discuss with your partner to go for the ideal insurance policy that will suit your child.


Going through a divorce is never a pleasant journey. However, there is a need to come to a mutually beneficial stance with your ex, especially regarding the child’s overall welfare. Also, it helps both parties to move on with their life without being held by the past.

Contact Franks & Rechenberg. P.C. Attorneys at Law to help with your custody case.