Getting a divorce is never a pleasant journey, and when it involves a narcissist, it becomes even more complicated. Narcissists are self-centered individuals who are too full of themselves and boastful of their capabilities. When there is a divorce involving a...
When an employer terminates someone for an unlawful cause, such as a violation of federal anti-discrimination legislation or a breach of a written employment contract, this is referred to as wrongful termination. If an employee wins a case, they may be able to receive...
Have you ever seen a bike obstructing traffic in the street and wondered if it was legal? Maybe a careless cyclist cycling in traffic caused your car crash. In terms of assigning responsibility, would the bicyclist be deemed a car or a pedestrian? Unfortunately, the...
Seeing a police car flagging you down in your rearview mirror is one of the most nerve-racking feelings in the world. When you pull over, the officer approaches your window and says, “Do you know how fast you were going?” Then you realise you were probably...