Drug Charges Defense Attorney
If you are arrested for an offense involving the unlawful possession or delivery of marijuana, or any other illicit drug, you need an experienced drug charges Criminal Defense Lawyer on your side. Drug sentences can bar you from holding certain kinds of employment or licenses, and can pose serious obstacles to your future employment and educational plans. For example, drug sentences may affect a student’s eligibility for loans and grants. The conviction for even a relatively minor crime, such as Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, will appear on your criminal record.
Illicit Drugs Leading to Criminal Charges
In addition to offenses involving the unlawful possession of marijuana, Illinois imposes harsh penalties, for example, for the unlawful possession of the following illicit substances:
- Cocaine
- Methamphetamine
- Synthetic cannabinoids (Spice, K2, and similar drugs)
- Ecstasy
- Heroin
- All other illicit drugs
Unlawful Possession of Prescription Medications Can Also Lead to Criminal Charges
If law enforcement discovers that you possess a prescription medication, without maintaining a current or valid prescription from a medical professional, you could be charged with the offense of Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance. Examples of Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance involving a prescription drug include: Fentanyl, Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Morphine, Xanax, Ambien, Tramadol, Codeine, Darvocet, Ritalin and Adderall.
Types of Drug Charges
Our Attorneys have years of experience fighting the government on behalf of our clients. We provide a skilled, tactically sound and aggressive defense against drug charges. Our drug defense lawyers represent individuals charged with:
- Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance
- Unlawful Delivery of a Controlled Substance
- Unlawful Manufacture of Drugs
- Unlawful Possession of Marijuana
- Unlawful Delivery of Marijuana
- Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Hire an Experienced Drug Offense Criminal Defense Attorney
The Attorneys at Franks and Rechenberg, P.C. have represented people charged with drug offenses involving marijuana, LSD, Heroin and other illicit drugs in Illinois.
We know when to take a case to trial, and when to negotiate a case. We know how to analyze a set of facts, and craft a solid defense which includes challenging a search and seizure, and subsequent arrest. We understand the importance of a thorough investigation, and the necessity of diligent preparation. If you have been charged with any drug offenses in McHenry or DeKalb Counties, it is important to call the Attorneys at Franks and Rechenberg, P.C., at 847-854-7700, before speaking with the police.
The experienced Criminal Defense Attorneys at Franks and Rechenberg, P.C. practice in McHenry and DeKalb Counties, including the cities of Algonquin, Belvidere, Cary, DeKalb, Harvard, Holiday Hills, Island Lake, Lake in the Hills, Lakewood, McCullom Lake, Oakwood Hills, Prairie Grove, Spring Grove, Union, Woodstock, and all surrounding communities.

David B. Franks