McHenry County
Criminal Defense Attorney
Have you been accused of a crime?
If you have been accused of a crime, your have no time to lose! The sooner you get a criminal defense lawyer on your side, the better your chances are of protecting your rights!
At Franks, Kelly, Matuzewich, & Andrle, P.C., we have helped many people just like you. We know the Courts, and will fight hard to protect your rights! David B. Franks possesses many years of criminal defense experience. For ten years, David B. Franks served as a member of the Illinois State Bar Association Criminal Justice Section Council, reviewing legislation and providing input for the administration of Illinois criminal courts. He has eight years of experience as an Assistant State’s Attorney in Cook and McHenry counties, and served in the Felony and Misdemeanor Divisions in McHenry County. Having us on your side may make the difference between jail and freedom. Don’t delay – call David B. Franks today! Mr. Franks can also assist you with juvenile crimes defense or criminal record expungement.
Maybe you made a mistake, or you were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. A conviction for a crime can result in fines and jail time. A conviction can also affect your employment opportunities. David B. Franks of Franks, Kelly, Matuzewich, & Andrle, P.C., can handle many criminal offenses. For example, Mr. Franks has handled:
Retail theft (shoplifting)
Possession of stolen motor vehicle
Felony theft
Aggravated criminal sexual assault
Home invasion
Domestic battery
- Drug possession
Before you sign anything or talk to the police, contact David B. Franks first. He will guide you through the maze of legal procedures and fight to protect your interests.
These crimes carry serious penalties. If convicted, a person could be jailed and lose his or her freedom.
Violent crimes include:
Murder or homicide
Aggravated battery
Assault with a deadly weapon
Armed robbery
Domestic battery
Armed violence
Unlawful restraint
Hate crimes
Vehicular invasion
If you or someone you love has been accused of a violent crime, securing an aggressive, qualified attorney is essential.
David B. Franks also defends people who have been accused of:
Criminal sexual abuse
Sex offender registration
Aggravated criminal sexual abuse
Criminal sexual assault
Aggravated criminal sexual assault
Possession of child pornography
Indecent exposure
People accused of sex crimes face an uphill battle. However, we believe that everyone who is accused of a crime, any crime, is entitled to a strong defense. David B. Franks will fight hard to make sure that those rights are protected.
David B. Franks of Franks and Rechenberg, P.C., also handles cases of embezzlement, forgery, and credit card fraud.
Many people don’t realize how serious a drug charge can be. Depending
on the particular circumstances, because of mandatory minimums, even a
first offender can go to jail. We can handle drug cases involving
Unlawful possession of cannabis or a controlled substance
Unlawful possession of cannabis or a controlled substance with intent to deliver
Unlawful delivery of cannabis or a controlled substance
Mr. Franks can also handle:
Criminal trespass to motor vehicle
Criminal damage to property
Unlawful use of weapons
Unlawful possession of firearms and firearm ammunition, FOID violations
Mob action
Telephone harassment
Deceptive practice
Disorderly conduct
Obstructing justice
Resisting a peace officer
Violations of orders of protection
David B. Franks of Franks, Kelly, Matuzewich, & Andrle, P.C. can provide an aggressive and rigorous defense for those charged with DUI.
If the arresting officers did not conform to legal requirements, the arresting officers and the governmental authority with whom they are employed, may be responsible for compensating you for damages. If you believe that you have wrongfully arrested or detained, provide David B. Franks of Franks, Kelly, Matuzewich, & Andrle, P.C. with the exact details of what was said and done.