Personal Injury and Workers’ Comp Settlements
If you’ve been injured in an accident in McHenry County, give Franks, Kelly, Matuszewich, and Andrle Attorneys at Law a call for your free consultation before you speak to an insurance adjuster. We’re here to help you maximize your benefits.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that every case is different based on a separate set of facts, and the settlements and verdicts listed here, while accurate, do not represent the value of your case or the result we can achieve for you. The following are representative settlements and verdicts pursued and won by Franks, Kelly, Matuszewich, and Andrle Attorneys at Law It also does not mean that we win all of our cases, we don’t, but we only get paid in the cases that we win. Our clients have told us that one factor in retaining our firm is the results we have obtained for satisfied clients in the past. You should also ask a perspective attorney whether he or she has obtained significant settlements or verdicts, but the decision to hire an attorney for your case, should not be made on that factor alone.
Wrongful Death Cases
$800,000 for a 30-year old single female killed in a rear-end automobile collision. Alden Township
$250,000 for a 37-year old married female killed in an intersection collision. Libertyville, Illinois
$185,000 45 year old man, Work injury fell at work. Left knee injury ligament tear. MCL surgical repair. Low back injury. Herniated disc. L4-L5 Surgically repaired, laminectomy, return to work full duty. Lake county Illinois.
Workers’ Compensation Cases
$364,000 53 year old carpenter foreman, climbing injury, right knee replacement,Wage Differential award. Woodstock, Illinois
$250,000, Wage differential settlement (lumbar fusion one level), 38 year old truck driver, Woodstock, Illinois
$242,038 65 year old male, concrete mason, right arm repetitive trauma injury, rotator cuff tear, shoulder replacement surgery, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois
$200,000 Wage differential settlement (anterior cervical discecetomy) 48 year old truck driver Lake Villa Illinois
$200,000 Arthroscopic shoulder surgery, rotator cuff tear, hit by tool at work, 57 year old female, job change, Barrington, Illinois
$170,000 Wage differential settlement. 45 year old Ambulance driver; shoulder surgery, SLAP tear & biceps tenodesis; Elgin, Illinois
$160,000 Car Crash while working. 35 year old female low back surgery. Discectomy no fusion. Career change. McHenry County Richmond, Illinois
$144,000 Electrocution Injury with fall from ladder. Return to work without restrictions, 42 year old male, Chicago, Illinois, November 2016
$125,000 Rotator Cuff Tear with surgery. 70 year old truck driver, job change. Carpentersville, Illinois.
$145,000 Wage differential settlement, Surgery to Dominant Arm Ulnar Nerve Transposition, 34 year old female custodian, Woodstock, Illinois.
$140,000, workers compensation, 38year old male, truck driver , left elbow lateral epicondylitis, Cary, Illinois
$125,000 settlement 59 year old brick layer herniated lumbar disc with surgery with a return to work, West Chicago Illinois
$115,000 52 year old machine operator, lifting injury, Lumbar Fusion L4-5, job change, Harvard, Illinois
$115,000, 39 year old male, construction worker, tripped at work, right knee, medial meniscus tear arthroscopic surgery, plus anterior cruciate ligament tear, A.C.L replacement surgery, McHenry County, Illinois
$108,000 49 year old male printer, lifting injury, anterior cervical fusion C5-6, return to work with no restrictions, Wheeling Illinois
$92,000 Rotator cuff tear, full thickness with surgery. Dominant arm. 59 year old union custodian, Cook County, Illinois
$88,000 settlement, 37-year old male, herniated disc injury, lifting at work, Hampshire, Illinois
$88,000 for a 48-year old printer who fell at work and had a herniated cervical disc surgically repaired. Wheeling, Illinois
$85,000 plus any future medical benefits to right knee for life. Right knee replacement, 65 year old male fell at work. Lake County Illinois.
$85,000 Carpal tunnel surgery, Ulnar nerve surgery, Shoulder surgery, 54 year old female machine operator, McHenry, Illinois
$80,000 for a 65 year old man fell at work, Lumbar surgery. Lake Zurich, Illinois
$77,500 for a 55 year old woman who fell at work, four(4) shoulder surgeries with a replacement., Elgin, Illinois
$73,000 settlement 34 year old sign worker injured arm while lifting a crate at work, torn rotator cuff, right shoulder, Lake Zurich Illinois
$73,000 Settlement Rotator cuff tear, Lifting crate at work Lake Zurich Illinois
$66,000.00, 64 year old male customer service person; injured lower back while lifting a grate at work; lumbar fusion (one level), Algonquin, Illinois
$62,000.00 rotator cuff tear. Arthroscopic surgery, return to work no restrictions, 62 year male old truck driver. Chicago, Illinois
$61,500 Rotator cuff tear , 36 year old male laborer, Lifting at work, Surgery SLAP labral tear, Supraspinatus tear, Long head biceps tenodesis; McHenry, Illinois
$60,000 for a 50-year old male truck driver who fell at work, causing a lumbar bulging disc and left knee meniscus tear. Woodstock, Illinois
$59,000 for a 45-year old factory worker with repetitive trauma – a rotator cuff tear requiring surgery. Harvard, Illinois
$55,000 settlement, 49-year old male, suffered bilateral eponchondolytis due to repetitive movement at work
$53,407, workers compensation, 44 year old male, press operator, two partially severed fingers in press machine, Wheeling, Illinois
$53,000 Bulging disc L4-L5, No surgery, One Epidural Steroid Injection, Physical Therapy, Return to work modified job. 58 year old Male Factory worker, Algonquin, Illinois
$52,500 settlement fracture of the lert leg, tibia and fibia, surgery with rodding through the tibia and screws. 43 year old man, Libertyville, Illinois
$52,226, 50 year old male, fell walking up stairs, internal derangement to the left shoulder, torn labrum, surgery including a Bankart repair and SLAP lesion repair, Algonquin, McHenry County Illinois
$50,000 Settlement; Rotator cuff tear with surgery, 69 year old female nurse injured pushing a machine at work. Huntley, Illinois
$47,000 47 year old male, Rotator cuff tear with surgery dominate arm. Right shoulder type 2 Superior labral tear. Lifting at work. Elgin, Illinois
$45,000 Torn Meniscus, arthroscopic surgery. 45 year old male warehouse worker, return to work without restrictions, Crystal lake, Illinois
$40,655, workers compensation 73 year old female, office worker, non-displaced fracture to left hip and non-displaced fracture to left arm, Woodstock, Illinois
$36,000 for a 28-year old factory worker who sustained a lumbar herniated disc from lifting at work. Waukegan, Illinois
$34,988, workers compensation, 45 year old male, pipe fitter, right knee torn medical meniscus, Spring Grove, Illinois
$32,500, retaliatory discharge, fired by new employer for prior work comp injury, 50 year old male, electrician, Union, McHenry County Illinois
$32,427, 34 year old male dock worker, low back injury: two epidural steroid injections, and physical therapy; Cook County
$32,000 settlement, 43-year old female, right shoulder injury, rotator cuff tear, Woodstock, Illinois
$29,588, 39 year old male, carpet layer, lifting carpet, low back-herniated disc, no surgery, conservative treatment, Skokie, Cook County Illinois
$29,342, 43 year old male, engineer, fractured right hand with surgery, Woodstock, McHenry County Illinois
$28,832, workers compensation, 29 year old male, electrician, rotator cuff tear, Elgin, Illinois
$28,500 settlement 54 year old woman, injury to left knee, torn meniscus requiring arthroscopic surgery, return to work with our restrictions, Woodstock, Illinois
$27,000 for a 46-year old factory worker who suffered shoulder impingement syndrome from lifting at work. Lindenhurst, Illinois
$26,945, workers compensation, 52 year old male, factory worker, burns to left leg when acid spilled, developed deep vein thrombosis, Round Lake, Illinois
$25,000, workers compensation, 32 year old female, bank teller, bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, Niles, Illinois
$19,000 for an air conditioning technician with a left hand tendon injury from lifting at work. Crystal Lake, Illinois
$17,500, workers compensation, 52 year old female, office clerk, disputed carpal tunnel syndrome, Woodstock, Illinois
$17,500, workers compensation, 62 year old female, office employee, carpal tunnel syndrome, Woodstock, Illinois
$16,000 for a 44-year old construction worker who fell at work, suffering a non-dominant hand non-displaced wrist fracture. West Chicago, Illinois
$15,000 for a 33-year old grocery clerk with repetitive trauma carpal tunnel syndrome. Lake Zurich, Illinois
$14,000 for a 46-year old male factory worker who fell at work, causing a left knee meniscus tear. McHenry County, Illinois
$14,000 settlement, 38-year old male, suffered an inguinal hernia while lifting at work, Cook County, Illinois
$13,314, 45 year old male, inguinal hernia surgery, lifting at work, Wheaton, DuPage County, Illinois
$12,000 for a 32 year old man developed a MERSA infection after a small cut at work, Libertyville, Illinois July
$9,700 settlement disfigurement case scar on lower leg, 54 year old man no surgery required, Huntley Illinois
$9,361, 58 year old male, boxes fell on Petition, cervical flexion injury, minor scarring on the lip, Huntley, McHenry County Illinois
$9,299, workers compensation, 51 year old male, hernia, Harvard, Illinois
$9,060, 65 year old female, pushing shopping carts at work, low back strain, Algonquin, McHenry County Illinois
$5,808, workers compensation, 53 year old female, machine operator, double hernia, Capron, Illinois
$4,500.00 for a 44-year old male who had to have two teeth repaired after he was hit in face with a cable. Antioch, Illinois
$35,904.00 Hand fracture, M 53 Truck Driver, Gilberts, Surgery of the long finger metacarpal, Open reduction & internal fixation
$46,496.34 Left elbow & wrist surgery, M 49 Excavator Crystal Lake, Debridement & repair, extensor origins
$29,646.00 Car crash low back strain, M 53 Salesman, Crystal Lake
$17,725.49 Hernia surgery, M 48 Press Operator, Sycamore
$43,745.51 Left knee meniscus tear, M 54 Carpenter, Schaumburg
$43,000.00 Anterior acriomplasty, Distal claviculectomy, Rotator cuff repair M 49 Machine Operator, McHenry
$21,367.04 Right knee surgery, Meniscus tear, M 54 Tire Repair Tech, Crystal Lake
$20,257.18 Dorsally angulated, Distal radius fracture, F 73 Retail worker, Huntley
$110,000.00 Anterior Cervical, Discectomy and fusion, Surgery C6-7, F 66 Baggage Handler, Chicago
$36,721.13 Rotator cuff repair surgery, M 67 Adult Day Care Facility driver, Elgin
$30,000.00 TFCC surgery, wrist/hand, F 50 Umpire, Streamwood
$87,525.30 Low back L5-S1, Discectomy Surgery, F 39 Factory Worker, McHenry
$100,000.00 Neck surgery C5-6, F 56 Retail Clerk, Crystal Lake
$100,000.00 Hip intertrochanteric, Fracture intramedullary nailing with Short trochanteric femoral nails, F 64 Manager, Addison
$45,324.00 Rotator cuff surgery, Debridement acromioplasty, F 58 House Keeper, Barrington
$60,000.00 Rotator cuff repair, Bicep tenodony, M 67 Manager of Operations, Elk Grove
$54,936.22 Rotator Cuff surgery, M 51 Auto Mechanic, Chicago
$22,500.00 Hand Fracture, M 51 Salesman, Crystal Lake
$174,415.50 Anterior Cervical, Discectomy and Fusion, M 54 Excavator, Woodstock
$33,472.92 Knee meniscus tear surger, M 58 Delivery man, Chicago
$80,000.00 Open reduction Internal fixation left arm Surgery, M 55 HVAC Tech, Chicago
$81,387.00 Shoulder surgery, Distal rotator cuff repair And slap tear, M 42 Electrician, Waukegan
Personal Injury Cases
$4,300,000 judgment in a hate crime case, husband and wife in mid 30s, Wonder Lake, Illinois
$1,400,000 verdict for police disability pension (lifetime benefits); 47 year old female officer, lumbar fusion. Algonquin, Illinois
$1,086,434 Medical negligence case, 46 year old female suffered a ruptured spleen. Failure to diagnose and failure to treat. Libertyville , Illinois
$500,000 38 year old male hit while on a motorcycle traveling 10 mph. Two surgeries, the first being a type II labral tear, the second a rotator cuff repair. Significant lost wages. Barrington, Illinois
$400,000 intersection automobile crash, 44 year old Female, fractured foot, neck injury, body brace for 6 months, physical therapy. Richmond, McHenry County Illinois
$225,000, personal injury, 34 year old male, two separate surgeries resulting in a lumbar fusion L4-L5, Chicago, Illinois
$206,000 verdict award, 34 year old male, side swipe car crash. Left shoulder, right hand dominant, Torn Labrum, SLAP tear surgically repaired. No future medical required. Lake Bluff, Lake County Illinois,
$200,000 (policy limit) intersection car crash. 50 year old man suffered back injury resulting in spinal surgery. Settlement offer pre-lawsuit was $1,200. Fox Lake, Illinois,
$200,000 settlement; 52 year old male fractured right foot while climbing a ladder. Multiple fractures, surgery with pins and screws. Disputed wage differential claim. McHenry County, Illinois
$200,000 products liability case. 46 year old man, right hand dominate, had his left hand crushed and lost the top portion of two of his fingers. Cook County, Illinois
$197,500 rear-end truck crash 43 year old female, low back injury, re-injury to herniated disc, two weeks in hospital, physical therapy. Huntley, McHenry County Illinois
$176,179 Jury verdict. Car crash case. 74 year old woman suffered post traumatic stress syndrome, $6,179.00 in medical specials. Defendant turned left in front of the plaintiff. Huntley, IL
$125,000 Personal injury settlement, Car crash, intersection collision, 37 year old male low back injury with surgery, Laminectomy at L5-S1; Chicago, Illinois
$120,000 settlement, 16-year female in automobile collision requiring a cervical fusion, Harvard, Illinois (policy limits).
$108,000 A 68 year old male salesman, work injury tripped and fell at work, Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair & Subacrominal Decompression; Open Reduction Internal Fixation of Olecranon Fracture. Algonquin, Illinois December 2012
$105,000 rear end car crash 45 year old male. ACL knee surgery. Defendant lived in Crystal Lake, Illinois
$105,000 settlement, 34-year old male, ACL surgery, construction site accident, Waukegan, Illinois
$100,000 policy limit. Car crash, 29 year old male, low back strain. One week hospitalization following car crash. No lost wage claim. Carpentersville, Illinois
$100,000 (Policy limit) Automobile crash, 35 year old male cervical disk herniation, C5-C6 anterior cervical discectomy. McHenry county
$100,000 (policy Limit) 19 year old female hit while riding a bike in Lake in the Hills, Illinois. Patella tendon surgery, scar to left knee.
$100,000 (Policy Limit) 39 year old male high speed T-Bone Crash in Crystal Lake, Illinois. Herniated disc at L5-S1 Two Epidural Steroid injections, Bulging Disc at C6-C7, Left ulnar neuritis and carpal tunnel surgery.
$100,000 ($50,000.00 policy limit from the defendant driver; plus $50,000.00 from clients underinsured motorist coverage (policy limit)) 45 year old female driver rear ended causing a herniated disc to her neck. Anterior cervical surgery with a good recovery. Crash occurred in Elgin, Illinois
$100,000 (policy limit) 63 year old female passenger in an intersection crash; Broken ribs, Fractured sternum, Collapsed Lung, Hospital stay. Algonquin, Illinois
$100,000 settlement, 37 year old male, torn Anterior Cruciate Ligament and torn medial meniscus right knee, both surgically repaired, resulting from a car crash. Crystal Lake Illinois
$100,000 for a 57 year old woman single car crash, injured her neck when she was a passenger in her husbands car. Carpentersville, Illinois
$100,000 for a 49-year old male with a motorcycle intersection hip fracture injury. McHenry, Illinois
$100,000 67 year old female auto crash, herniated disc two levels, Elgin, Illinois,
$100,000 Lumbar discectomy, rear end automobile collision, male 32 years old, return to work with our restrictions, Chicago, Illinois
$99,000 Car crash, 47 year old female low back and neck strain, bulging disc no surgery. Algonquin, IL
$83,561, personal injury, 39 year old male, arthroscopic knee surgery repair a torn medial meniscus and bulging discs, Elgin, Illinois
$80,000 Rear end Automobile crash. 49 year old male. Right medial meniscus injury, arthroscopic surgery. Lake in the Hills, Illinois
$79,521 – 31 year old male Automobile crash in Bloomingdale, Illinois suffered bulging disc, treatment was two steroid injections
$75,000 Jury Verdict. Car crash involving cervical and lumbar strain. Physical therapy, No surgery. 64, year old female. Carpentersville, Illinois
$73,000 83 year old man fell at retail store. Herniated disc surgically repaired with a multilevel fusion. Suburban Cook County Illinois.
$70,000 cervical flexion injury with two epidural steroid injections. 45 year old female, St Charles Illinois.
$65,000 auto crash 37 year old woman, suffered a lumbar and cervical sprain and bulging disc. Carpentersville, Illinois
$57,000 53 year old male factory worker injured right shoulder lifting a tool at work. Torn rotator cuff tear, bicep tendon tear, bicep tendon repair, arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. Return to work without restrictions. Kane county Illinois
$55,000 settlement, 33-year old female, slip and fall, low back injury (herniated disc), Loves Park, Illinois
$50,000 Rear end automobile crash, 54 year old woman with prior low back injuries. Lumbar strain treated with epidural steroid injections. McHenry county Illinois.
$50,000 intersection automobile crash. 46 year old female, cervical flexion injury, carpal tunnel surgery. Elgin, Kane County, Illinois
$50,000 Intersection auto crash, 42 year old female. Cervical flexion injury. Algonquin Illinois
$50,000 “fresh money”, rear-end automobile accident, underinsured motorist claim, (original claim settled for $20,000.00), 41 year old male, cervical flexion injury with conservative treatment, Crystal Lake, McHenry County Illinois
$49,000 settlement, 55-year old female, cervical flexion injury, Woodstock, Illinois
$49,000 for a 50-year old female with a cervical fracture injury. Woodstock, Illinois
$49,000 in a case involving an intersection automobile collision, a 3-day hospital stay, and no permanent injuries. Lake County, Illinois
$45,000 Dog Bite case lightly visible scar on lip, 35 year old female, Lake in the Hills Illinois
$42,000 settlement, 38-year old female, cervical flexion injury, Woodstock, Illinois
$41,500 settlement for a 41 year old male with a cervical fusion Highly disputed negligence claim.
$40,000, rear-end automobile accident, 52 year old male, neck and back strain, Lake Zurich, Lake County Illinois
$40,000 as partial settlement for a 53-year old male with a cervical herniated disc. Marengo, Illinois
$40,000, personal injury, 58 year old female, non-displaced fracture to left foot, Richmond, Illinois
$40,000 Non-Displaced foot fracture rear end automobile accident; 52 year old female; Richmond, Illinois
$35,000 settlement, 46-year old male, suffered a cervical flexion injury as a result of an automobile collision in Lake County, Illinois
$34,000 Auto crash 80 year old man suffered a soft tissue low back injury, Woodstock Illinois
$32,000 for a 43-year old male with a cervical flexion injury in a rear-end automobile collision. Rockford, Illinois
$30,000 settlement, 46-year old male, suffered a cervical flexion injury as a result of an automobile collision, Spring Grove, Illinois
$25,310, personal injury, 48 year old male, cervical flexion neck injury, bulging disc C-5-C7, Crystal Lake, Illinois
$22,500 as partial settlement for a 36-year old female with a cervical flexion injury in an automobile collision. Algonquin, Illinois
$21,000, personal injury, policy limit ($20,000.00), 49 year old female, cervical flexion injury, Lindenhurst, Illinois
$18,000, rear-end motorcycle accident, cosmetic damage to motorcycle only, 32 year old male, bulging disc, chiropractic treatment, Machesney Park, Winnebago County Illinois
$18,000 for a 35-year old male with a cervical flexion injury from an intersection collision. Rockford, Illinois
$17,500, rear-end automobile accident, 43 year old male, whiplash resulting in cervical radiculitis, chiropractic treatment, Chicago, Cook County Illinois
$17,500, automobile accident, 46 year old male, neck and back strain, Crystal Lake, McHenry County Illinois
$16,000, motor vehicle intersection accident, 45 year old male, left occipital nerve block, Elk Grove Village, Cook County Illinois
$10,700 Soft tissue low back injury; intersection crash; 59 year old male; Harvard, Illinois
$100,000 low back epidural, steroid injections, tinnitus, car crash M 46, Lake in the Hills
$98,000 Herniated disc neck, Epidural steroid injections, Spinal cord stimulator trial, Car crash F 45, Woodstock
$50,000 Neck pain Rear end, Cervical Sprain, Ankle sprain, Rear end car crash, F 37 Barrington
$89,175 Torn meniscus, surgery required, Dog Attack M 38, Carpentersville
$100,000 Fractured Sternum, Broken Ribs, 5-day hospital stay, Car crash F 70, Prairie Grove
$200,000 Bulging herniated cervical discs C5-6, Facet injections, Radio Frequency Ablation, Car crash F 52, Crystal Lake
$205,000 Neck sprain, Trigger point injections and epidural steroid injections, bilateral carpel tunnel surgery, Car crash F38, Crystal Lake
$92,500 Subdural Hematoma couppled with brain swelling, car crash by drunk driver, M 26 Belvidere
$124,000 Anterior cervical, Discectomy and one-level fusion C5-6, Car crash, M 60 Schaumburg
$60,000 Cervical Disc protrusion at C4-5 migrains, Left turn car crash, F 34 Crystal Lake
$345,000 Open Bicep tenodesis to repair bicep tendon with anchors. Shoulder surgery to repair labral tear. rear end car crash, M 64 Huntley
$25,000 Internal derangement strain low back, rear end car crash, M 54 McHenry
$250,000 Disc bulge L4-L5, several epidural steroid injections, rear end car crash, M 64 Crystal Lake
$75,000 Aggravated fibromayalgia, rear end car crash, F 60 Crystal Lake
$73,200 Neck pain, lateral epicondyle steroid injections, disc bulge C5-6, Rear end car crash, M 52 Schaumburg
$23,275 Chipped tooth and swollen feet, Car Crash, M 64 Belvidere
$45,000 Cervical pain and rotator cuff tenderness, Car Crash, M 53 Chicago
$51,595 Mild Concussion, neck sprain, shoulder pain, Rear end, M 80 Harvard
$35,000 Cervical Sprain, small bone fracture, left elbow strain, right knee strain, Rear end, M 63 Huntley
$37,000 Lower back pain, neck sprain, Rear end, M 47 Libertyville
$200,000 Cervical sprain, rotator cuff tear in dominant arm, Car crash, M 57 Barrington
$100,000 Shoulder surgery, slap tear & rotator cuff tear, Car crash, M 58 Cuba Township
$100,000 Fractured orbital eye bones, eye blurriness, Head-on, M 25 Hebron